Things change with her all the time, but one of the constants is her love for Bowser. She loves to stand at the back door and watch him run around - she yells and hits the window and eggs him on. It's cute. She pulls herself up on everything and walks along things as long as she can hold on. She will babble your ear off all day long and yells at the top of her impressive little lungs. She smiles a lot and still loves her daddy more than anything. She has a stubborn streak in her that she come by very honestly. I love watching her figure new things out every day!
Anyways, enough rambling! Now for some random pictures...
Baby and Puppy Prison!
Watching Bowser play outside
She got super excited when Bowser came running back with his Frisbee.
Sitting on Daddy's lap at church - I love how she crosses her ankles!!
Just being cute!